How To Convert A Pdf To Jpg On Mac
On Mac, you can use only the built-in tools to convert specific or all pages of a PDF file to JPG. We’ll show you how to perform this conversion using the built-in preview and automator apps on Mac.
Convert a PDF page to JPG.
Sep 27, 2021 Transform or convert PDF files to JPG on Mac The first thing we should do is open the folder that contains the PDF in Finder. Next, we will right-click the PDF file and choose Open With Preview from the context menu. Launch the Mac PDF converter and you can either drag and drop PDF files to the software, or click 'Add Files' or 'Add Folder' to import PDF documents. Several PDF files can be loaded to the Mac tool at a time. Set JPG/JPEG as the output format. Choose the conversion type as “PDF to Image” and choose “JPG” or “JPEG” as the. Convert pdf to jpg without adobe acrobat. Use your mouse or trackpad to convert PDF files to JPG. Then, right-click on any PDF file and select JPG from Quick Actions PDF. If you use another name for your quick action, use it “PDF to JPG” Select instead.
To convert a selected page from your PDF to JPG, use the Mac’s built-in preview app.
Related:Use your Mac’s preview app to cut, resize, rotate and edit photos.
Start by opening the folder that contains your PDF file.
Right-click on your PDF file and select OpenWidth> Preview from the menu.
Preview.” width =”650″ height =”270″ onload =”pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon (this);” onerror =”this.onerror = null; pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon (this);”/>
In the preview, select the PDF page you want to convert to JPG. Then, from the menu bar, select File> Export.
Export to Preview.” width =”556″ height =”500″ onload =”pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon (this);” onerror =”this.onerror = null; pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon (this);”/>
You will see the preview export window. At the top of this window, “Export as” Click on the field and type the name of your modified JPG file. Then, select a folder in which to save your file.
At the bottom of the export window, “Format” Click on the drop down menu and “JPEG” Select. To reduce file quality “Quality” Drag the slider to the left, or drag it to the right to increase the quality of the file.
Optionally, “Resolution” Click on a field and enter a value. However, you probably don’t need to change it.
Then, at the bottom of the Export window, save your file “save it” Click on
The preview will convert your selected PDF page to JPG. You will find the JPG file in your specified folder.
And so you select the PDF page on your Mac in JPG!
Related:How to easily print photos on your Mac.
Convert the entire PDF file to JPG.
If you have a PDF with several pages, the preview method above is not ideal. Instead, use an automator quick action that converts all the pages of your PDF into JPG at once. This method can process multiple PDF files at the same time.
To create this quick action, first open Automator on your Mac. By pressing Command + Spacebar, in Spotlight Search “Autometer” Do this by typing, and selecting it in the search results.
In the Automator, select File> New from the menu bar.
Autometer.” width =”650″ height =”305″ onload =”pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon (this);” onerror =”this.onerror = null; pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon (this);”/>
Of the automator “Select a type for your document” At the prompt, “Quick action” Select Then, down, “Select” Click on
You are now on your Quick Action Editing screen. Here, on top, “Receives workflow current” Click on the drop down menu and “PDF files” Select.
In the upper left corner of the autometer, “deeds” Click on Then “Variables” Click the text field next to and “Type PDF pages as images” Type
From the search results, “PDF pages as images” Drag and drop it to the right workflow.
right side “PDF pages as images” In the section, “Format” Click on the drop down menu and “JPEG image” Select
Optionally, to set the custom resolution for your image “Resolution” Click, and select the compression level for your files “Compression” Click on
Again “Variables” Click the search box next to this time , “Move Finder Items” Type Then, from the search results, “Drag finder items” And on the workflow on the right “PDF pages as images” Drop down the section.
right side “Move Finder Items” In the section, “Two” Click the drop-down menu and select a folder in which to save your converted JPG files.
Your immediate action is now ready. To save it, from the Automator menu bar, select File> Save. Alternatively, press the Command + S keyboard shortcut.
How To Convert A Pdf To Jpg On Mac
Save in Automator.” width =”650″ height =”318″ onload =”pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon (this);” onerror =”this.onerror = null; pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon (this);”/>
You will see a save signal in the autometer. Here, type a name for your immediate action and “save it” Click on This name will appear when you use this action, so use some descriptions. We will go from PDF to JPG.
Now that your quick action is saved, turn off Automator by clicking Automator> Quit Automator in the menu bar.
Leave the autometer in the autometer.” width =”650″ height =”465″ onload =”pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon (this);” onerror =”this.onerror = null; pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon (this);”/>
To use your newly created Quick Action to convert PDF to JPG, first open the folder that contains your PDF file or files.
How To Convert A Pdf To Jpeg On Mac
Use your mouse or trackpad to convert PDF files to JPG. Then, right-click on any PDF file and select JPG from Quick Actions> PDF. If you use another name for your quick action, use it “PDF to JPG” Select instead.
PDF in Finder.” width =”633″ height =”500″ onload =”pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon (this);” onerror =”this.onerror = null; pagespeed.lazyLoadImages.loadIfVisibleAndMaybeBeacon (this);”/>
Automator will immediately start converting pages of your selected PDF files to JPG. When your files change, you will find them in your specified folder.
And so is converting PDF to Mac to JPG. Congratulations change!
Did you know that you can convert any image or document from your Mac to PDF? You don’t even need a third party tool to do this!
Related:How to create a PDF file on Mac